by Gene Minix
They left for the battlefields
Most so very, very young.
They had lived so little,
So many songs yet to be sung.
They hid the warm tears
From their eyes that wanted to flow
That loved ones might not see
How their hearts were breaking so.
And they dawned a new strength
Both of flesh and of mind.
And with stamina they marched forward,
O, this daring brave kind.
They marched off to war.
They gave so much for you and me.
Fighting against the devilish foe
That we might remain free.
My, they have given so much
That our flag of freedom would always soar.
May we honor these brave men and women
And remember them for ever more.
It is good that we take this day
To remember and honor these so brave.
Tell those who are living, "THANK YOU"
and lay a wreath upon the graves
Of those who came not back,
But died fighting the foe.
Let us never forget what they did
Whatever we do and wherever we go.
© Copyright 2002, by Gene Minix.
All rights reserved.
by Gene Minix
The veteran has fought
That freedom we might know.
To guarantee that we can worship
The Lord Jesus that we love so.
It is the veteran
Who has fought that we
Could assemble and speak
In a land that is free.
The right to vote our choice.
And the right of a fair trial, too.
Because the veteran
Gave so much for me and you.
There are those that have been and are today
Who would take all our freedoms away.
My thanks to the veteran
Who fought hat freedom might stay.
May there always be those
Who for this Republic take a strong stand.
Who when the time called for it
Would fight for this dear land.
May we honor the veteran
On this Veterans Day.
And for the peace and freedom
Of this nation may we pray.
© Copyright 2013, by Gene Minix.
All rights reserved.