KK, I've been trying for days to get permission from the facility to post the info. you wanted on here. I am very cautious about posting any personal info. without that parties' permission. Today I finally got that permission. To send cookies, address to: (Name of person) c/o Seven Hills Health and Rehabilitation Center, 3333 Capital Medical Blvd., Tallahassee, FL 32308 and he will receive them. Just a thought - I'd send only soft ones. Chewing and digestive problems could be an issue. The only info. I could get was that he is doing "okay." When I told her that he had posted here that he had terminal cancer, she responded "He did that?" I said "Yes mam, he did," and she then said that since he was the one who shared it, she could confirm that. I asked if he was still coherent and she said yes, but that was all she could share. If any of you here want to send cards, that would be nice. I will not be posting mailing info. anywhere else but here. Calling the facility is useless. You get no further than the switchboard. You could enclose your phone #'s in your cards to him so he could call you if he's up to the task. She said he does have a phone in his room. Merry Christmas to all of you here...ToC