Merry CHRISTmas to all, praying it be a most wonderful and blessed CHRISTmas for you all.
by Gene Minix
Candles in the windows
All red and bright.
Trees covered in tinsel
Sparkle in the night.
The fragrance of cedar
Fills the air.
Christmas is everywhere.
Christmas is everywhere.
Smiles on the faces
Of every girl and boy.
Mom and Dad's hearts
Filled with joy.
A house full of love.
A house full of care.
Christmas is everywhere.
Christmas is everywhere.
The smell of gingerbread
And apples piled high.
Ham in the oven
And good pumpkin pie.
Presents under the tree
For all to share.
Christmas is everywhere.
Christmas is everywhere.
The Christmas story in Luke
Being read throughout the land.
Telling the birth of God's Son
Salvation come down to man.
Carols being sung
And a thankful prayer.
Christmas is everywhere.
Christmas is everywhere.
© Copyright 2012, by Gene Minix.
All rights reserved.