I didn't know about the white rose emblem in NAZI Germany. Thanks for the information. Worth remembering. Might be worth considering as an emblem for protest here? The White Rose was a non-violent, intellectual resistance group in Nazi Germany in 1942, which was led by five students and one professor at the University of Munich: Willi Graf, Kurt Huber, Christoph Probst, Alexander Schmorell, Hans Scholl and Sophie Scholl. (Wiki) Some truly brave people involved in the wider movement, many murdered by the regime, many died in concentration camps or prison, and three were actually guillotined - Hans and Sophie Scholl, as well as Christoph Probst . I had not previously known of the use of this apparatus of execution by the NAZIs. Worth remembering, not all Germans were compliant, and those who weren't well knew that they might well be rewarded with their death. |