Basically the UK no longer makes enough wealth, you cannot tax your way out of that, though the UK could buy a few years of help with an effective wealth tax and dealing effectively to the taxation of multinationals. - there's room for tax on aviation fuel and fares too. . I think the government actually recognises this with their "Growth growth growth" , but the way they are going about trying to correct it with "free ports" and kowtowing to international corporate interests is exactly the wrong way to go about it and the whole ideology of growth is now reaching the limits of the landscape and the planet to accommodate it.
Nothing other than a fundamental re-examination of capitalism, socialism, economy and society, and its relationship to nature, to our ecological limits, to our planet, is going to work. We have reached the end of unrestricted growth and our attempts to continue it will ultimately kill us and the planet we live on. We need urgently a New Ecological Enlightenment. But it's not going to happen, we will ultimately fight rather than do what is right. We will first fail, and then wail.
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