As I admitted, "I might be wrong", but we'll never know. I agree, Kamala Harris has no gravitas, has little political experience, and is no shining beacon of intellect nor possesses any meaningful rhetoric.
But the world history of autocrats and disaster is full of people with command, rhetoric and political efficiency.
Caitlin has it right, but even so, the citizens of the USA have a choice, my preference, over which I have no control or say, is for Kamala. Her sheer ordinariness is to me not quite the insurmountable problem that you seem to find it, and I still have the forlorn hope that she might do a bit better than you think, whereas Trump is actually mentally and politically deteriorating.
But the choice is invidious, and we are in serious trouble whoever gets the electoral college vote. And more worryingly for the UK we have a PM of political rigidity and moral deficit beholden to the US, to NATO, to Netanyahu and to Russophobia, with e Minister for Foreign Affairs of peculiar ineptness and similarly politically and morally unprincipled. God, we really miss Jeremy and George.
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