Clio the cat, ? July 1997 - 1 May 2016
Open Letter to an Academic War Criminal – Timothy van der Hagen, President & Rector Magnificus of Delft University, Netherlands
When you banned me from speaking at Delft what you were doing was perpetuating the myth that Jews support Genocide in Gaza –that is anti-Semitic – Jews are not your moral alibi or your colonial pets
Nazi Propaganda Portrayed Jewish Men as Sexual Predators - Zionist Students Have been Allowed to do the same at Delft - on the grounds of 'freedom of speech' unlike anti-Zionism
When the authorities at Delft University banned me from speaking on 28 October, I wrote an Open Letter to its Rector, Professor Timothy van der Hagen. Because the silent Rector, like the silent intellectual, has chosen not to say anything, I thought I would help him with a second letter.
Meanwhile students at Delft have produced this wonderful Instagram Video highlighting sections of my speech.
The Curt Memo Banning My Meeting
As people will know from my previous blog I defied the ban and spoke on campus anyway to an audience of 100. Given that they literally had a few hours notice, the attendance was remarkable. Delft authorities did not seem inclined to disgrace themselves any further, having behaved as if they were a police-state university, and left us alone. I can only assume that they realised that banning free speech is the hallmark of a university under fascism.
When the Zionist Student Association showed a film Screams of Silence which falsely alleged that the Palestinian resistance on October 7 had indulged in a mass orgy of rape, despite the lack of any evidence, Delft authorities defended its showing on the grounds of ‘freedom of expression’. Ctd...
The last working-class hero in England.
Kira the cat, ? ? 2010 - 3 August 2018
Jasper the Ruffian cat ? ? ? - 4 November 2021