Clio the cat, ? July 1997 - 1 May 2016
If you want to be a football hooligan you should be an Israeli football hooligan – then Israel will give you compensation if you get injured
The press & the world’s leaders ignored the racist attacks of Tel Aviv Maccabi Fans & concentrated on the Justified Reaction to these Fascist Thugs
When Lies & Disinformation Become the Norm It Means That We Have Entered an Era of Permanent War – What happened in Amsterdam was not a Pogrom but Israeli thugs getting a taste of their own medicine
Israeli hooligans provoke clashes in Amsterdam after chanting anti-Palestinian slogans
Truth they say is the first casualty of war and this has been particularly evident in the coverage of the fight back by Dutch citizens when attacked by Israel’s racist football fans.
Once again ‘anti-Semitism’ has proven to be the false anti-racism of the right. It is the only ‘racism’ that they are concerned about. Ursula von der Leyen, the far-right German President of the European Commission couldn’t restrain herself. It was all about ‘anti-Semitism’. Nothing about attacks on Arabs or Dutch citizens.
What von der Liar was saying that any amount of anti-Arab racism and attacks on Arabs was ok, but if the victims should fight back then that would be ‘anti-Semitism’.
90 years ago this plastic von Pappen figure would have been complaining about the Jews of Germany. The idea that von der Liar would have stood out to oppose Nazi anti-Semitism is wishful thinking. The Nazis were put in power by the German conservative Deutsche National Volks Party of which Liar’s Christian Democrats are the heir.
Another pip squeak to put his oar in was Dutch Prime Minister, Dick Schoof, who decried “antisemitic attacks on Israeli citizens.” Ctd....
The last working-class hero in England.
Kira the cat, ? ? 2010 - 3 August 2018
Jasper the Ruffian cat ? ? ? - 4 November 2021