If he moves one step from his Oct 7th touchstone, his worldview is a gonner...so he just reiterates the mantra to maintain the edifice.
No matter that the hostages were taken as leverage for the many more hostages the Israelis have taken into the brutal black hole of "administrative detention".
No matter that the death toll that day was inflicted mainly by Israel and on Israelis.
No matter that such wanton murder on a grander scale had been committed by Israel repeatedly and systematically in its utterly dehumanizing Gaza "cutting the grass" operations.
No matter that the Israelis deliberately defiled the Al-Aqsa mosque: one of the oldest cultural sites of Islam and the very symbol of the Palestinian people in a deliberate act of provocation aimed to trigger resistance.
No matter that in any list of outrages from throughout the last half century... year by year the Israelis have at the very least murdered ten times the number of Palestinians as Palestinians have Israelis...and most of these entirely innocent.
-He's a professional troll for the establishment, reiterating their world view merely for the filthy lucre...
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