"Don't agree with it 100%..."
Well yea. This btl comment points the way:
" It seems like nobody will stand in Israel's way of finishing off gaza and annexing the west bank. The whole point of Hezbolla launching it's operations against Israel was to take the pressure off of gaza. With nothing mentioned about gaza in the ceasefire I can't see this as anything other than a capitulation by Hezbolla even though they fought like lions they must have been damaged more than the pro resistance alt media was leading me to believe... "
Hezbollah stopped the invasion but it definately appears to have cost them dearly. Whilst the Israelis taking it out on the Lebanese civilian population: not all of whom had Hezbollah sympathies to begin with puts them on sticky wicket and blamed at home. Add to that the US UK infiltration of Christian Lebanese forces & Intelligence the US /Israel/ Turkey backed ISIS Jihadi attack in Syria and it's rolling into nightmare territory.
-The chaos has been timed perfectly. Russia needs to put a major shot or several over the bow of Erdogan: the most untrustworthy operator in the middle east is also the weakest being the most blatantly oppertunist.
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