All I can say is I despair for the people of Syria, what did 99% of them do to deserve this turmoil. Yet there'll be those in the UK including all our MPs bar a few who will be rejoicing at the fall of Assad who don't give a flying fck for the people of Syria, though they might when they come knocking at the door asking for a home.
I love my old country but for the moment I'd wish the horsemen of the Apocalypse to come riding through the corridors of Westminster and striking the inhabitants down, for Iraq, for Syria, for Lybia, for Afghanistan, for Gaza, for Lebanon, for Ukraine, and they could send posses out to do the same in Washington, Jerusalem and by the .look of it, in Ankara too.
Sometime before too long, if there were justice in the world, the UK will start suffering the same destructive powers as these abject nations and our quaint green and pleasant land turn into something blacker and bloodier. Not something I want to see, shouldn't have to say that, but ultimately there's always a comeuppance.
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