Re: One of a long line of western political "leaders"...
I think history will be a bit kinder to Justin Trudeau. He managed to do a lot (though it's never enough) for the Inuit and native population, and they generally appreciated him. He took global warming seriously and introduced a carbon tax, but of course the Canadian province of Alberta and Canada generally are highly reliant on fossil fuel earnings. He coped pretty well with the first Trump administration. He was socially progressive, which to some was a good thing, to others less so. Justin Trudeau is suffering like all leaders in the West from a surfeit of expectation and a deficit of capacity. Our parliamentary democratic systems in the West are under huge pressure, and I think it unfair to blame Trudeau too much for that, and as the mighty and increasingly demented US is their next door neighbour, he's had to conduct a geopolitical balancing act. . As the Duran put it, the western leadership have lost their head, and their public, in "Project Ukraine" which not just Trudeau but the whole political apparatus in Canada were enthusiastic supporters of (remember the applause for the Ukrainian retired neo- nazi?) and equally in the hyper-capitalist, globalised and kleptocratic economy, which is seriously distorting sovereignty in the participating states. No leadership at present is wiling l to face up to this. To me he was a basically a decent, sane, humane and competent PM, without ever ascending to statesmanship, which is still rather more than can be said for a lot of Western leaders presently. Ultimately brought down by political staleness and wider economic and polticical pressures. You can guarantee that the rich and powerful on the right have been working hard over years, both in the US and Canada, to undermine him. What Canada gets next might not be quite so benign. . No doubt some posting here will point out some of his failings, but in wishing for something or someone "better" be careful what you wish for. Musk's crowing should be all you need to know.