on January 12, 2025, 11:11 pm
Though Russia Today’s recent articles here, here, here, here, and here on Ukrainian dictator Zelensky’s interview with popular podcaster Lex Fridman were probably not meant to be funny, Zelensky is at his comedic best when he tries to be statesmanlike. If you can picture a kindergarten Nativity play going off the rails because Zelensky, playing the lead role, is a scatter brain with a serious Coke problem, that is how Kiev’s putative boss of bosses came across.
First off, though Zelensky and Fridman are both native Russian speakers, Zelensky refused to conduct the interview in Russian because that would play into the hands of Putin (speaks native level German in the Reichstag), Zakharova (excellent Mandarin) and Lavrov (well-known polyglot). Had Zelensky wished to convey complex and nuanced ideas, then he should have, of course, spoken in the language he and Fridman are most comfortable in, rather than using the mishmash of Russian, broken Ukrainian and pidgin English that he used, and that should really be the preserve of Hollywood D listers or some similar folk miles above him in the acting stakes. Although the podcast was sugar coated with English subtitles to pretend that Zelensky’s performance was more polished than it was, the fact is that Zelensky, unlike Putin, Lavrov and Zakharova, has nothing worthwhile to say in Russian, Ukrainian, Mandarin, English or any other language. The guy is a clown, a joke and not a very funny one at that.
First off, Zelensky lamented that Ukraine surrendered its nuclear arsenal as part of the 5th December 1994 Budapest Memorandum, which removed nuclear weapons from Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan. Leaving aside that Zelensky probably wants Belarus and Kazakhstan to again tool up, Russia, in case he has not noticed, has the world’s greatest nuclear arsenal and, if this homo-erotic clown wants Russia to rain its nuclear arsenal down on Kiev in either a preemptive or a retaliatory second strike, he belongs in a straight jacket, no two ways about it.
Then there is Zelensky’s preposterous claim that Belarusian boss Lukashenko apologised for something or other neither he nor his country had anything to do with. Leaving to one side that Lukashenko is not the grovelling sort, Zelensky has no chance of prising Belarus away from Russia. As it ain’t gonna happen, neither Zelensky nor his long-suffering CIA handlers should even try to make it happen.
Next there is Zelensky’s attempts to get the United States to gift Ukraine $300 billion in frozen/stolen Russian assets. In slapping down this idea, Zakharova described it as a “hellish mixture of neo-Nazism and terrorism with drug delirium” before adding that “the Ukrainian leader is completely out of his mind.”
Which, of course he is but that is precisely why this arch-Zionist and retired stripper has been put in charge of NATO’s Ukrainian satrapy.
Zelensky is not meant to be taken seriously. He is there as a political dyke not only against Russia but, more so, against the majority of Ukrainians, who are sick of their friends and family dying to enrich him and his co-conspirators. The Italians lynched Mussolini and his mistress for much less.
But Mussolini, for all his faults, is gone and Zelensky is not, and thousands are still dying because that idiot is still being given access to both the air waves and the corridors of power, where he has no right to be. Zelensky is as much a creation of the CIA, as The Man Who Would Be King is a creation of Kipling’s, where two British Army sergeants gatecrash Kafiristan, where they are mistaken for gods but end up being crucified when the locals twig on to their ruse.
Perhaps the game is set up so that charlatans like Zelensky can always prosper, no matter how transparently fraudulent they are. It is not that the ordinary Ukrainians are in any position to change matters when the CIA has well-funded Nazi death squads breathing down their necks and while Fridman’s 4.4 million subscribers are too thick to see Zelensky for the wooden matinee clown that he is.
But let’s not speculate further. Trump must cut Zelensky loose and Elon Musk, if he is genuine about stopping children being pack raped, must highlight the countless Ukrainian child prostitutes the depraved Hunter Biden defiled. As with Mussolini, Ceauşescu and Kipling’s creations, so also is it time to give the CIA’s Ukrainian Nazis and the gangsters like Zelensky and Joe and Hunter Biden who feed off them the order of the boot.