on January 17, 2025, 4:47 pm, in reply to "Haaretz: Where There are 'No Civilians and Everyone's a Terrorist'. Even Children."
'Another fighter describes witnessing four unarmed people walking normally, spotted by a surveillance drone. Despite clearly not appearing as militants, a tank advanced and opened fire with its machine gun. "Hundreds of bullets," he recalls. Three died immediately ("the sight haunts me," he says), while the fourth survived and raised his hands in surrender.
"We put him in a cage set up near our position, stripped off his clothes, and left him there," the soldier recounts. "Soldiers passing by spat on him. It was disgusting. Finally, a military interrogator came, questioned him briefly while holding a gun to his head, then ordered his release." The man had simply been trying to reach his uncles in northern Gaza. "Later, officers praised us for killing 'terrorists.' I couldn't understand what they meant," the fighter says.
After a day or two, the bodies were buried by a bulldozer in the sand. "I don't know if anyone remembers they're there. People don't understand – this doesn't just kill Arabs, it kills us too. If called back to Gaza, I don't think I'll go."'
The psychologist complaining about the 'moral wounding' of IOF stormtroopers in the first article, while simultaneously endorsing the lies about Hamas, Hezbollah & Iran being dedicated to 'complet[ing] the final solution for israeli jews' reminded me of one of Frankie Boyle's better moments when talking about American foreign policy vs Hollywood:
'American foreign policy is horrendous, because not only will America come to your country and kill all your people but what's worse, I think, is that they'll come back 20 years later and make a movie about how killing your people made the soldiers feel sad. Oh boo hoo hoo! Americans making a movie about what Vietnam did to their soldiers is like a serial killer telling you what stopping suddenly for hitchhikers did to his clutch.'
Another subtle way in which empathy is directed towards perpetrators and away from victims, in other words.
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