Re: A mere hiatus...sadly, I'm sure you're right.
We've been here before so many times, not on the same scale, but the same principle. As long as Israel exists the Palestinians (and Israels neighbours) will be threatened, attacked, murdered, displaced and their lives make a misery as Israel is the world's most violent state, proto-fascist, racist, expansionist, and as 80% of the Jewish population of that country are entirely happy with that state of affairs, there will be no cease. Israel is the sons of the dispossessed and murdered taking their turn to dispossess and murder another. There is a murderous madness in Israel that has yet to expiate itself. They have the support of the world's most powerful rogue state to do what the hell they want. This ceasefire is a political convenience for Biden, and as noted, a mere cynical ploy in Trump's dangerous showmanship. This ceasefire proves that tens of thousands of Palestinians have been murdered inconsequentially to those in power in the West. This ceasefire gives me no pleasure at all, as it is a mere punctuation mark in an uncompleted and seriously mentally distressing and damaging horror story that I've been forced to read over and over again for the last eighteen months, and, if I'd been paying more attention, over the last 70 years. . .