Thanks for posting Keith, salutary reading - if you have no concerns about the planet you'd obviously be kicking yourself you hadn't bought shares in N-Videa. Similar news on a smaller scale, Amazon has pre-bought more thanhalf the entire output of the Moray West wind farm, the offshore wind power resource under construction. Its total output will maximate (my neologism) at 882MW, and Amazon is taking 473MW. The developers of Moray West are EDP renewables (a Spanish company) and ENGIE ( a French energy company) Scottish Power is of course owned by the Spanish company, Iberdrola. SSE is part owned by OVO, and the other part by a corporate entity in Perth.
In regard to Moray West, is said to be able to power 1.3 million homes. So that was what we stupid, naive, greenies thought was wonderful about renewable energy and the improvement to people's lives, But now the most rapacious and evil corporation on the planet, is getting half that supply, denying 650,000 home owners their chance of providing for their electricity needs from this particular renewable resource. (Amazon make not secret of this, they're almost proud of it So us greenies are being taken for a ride again. There should be no expansion of electricity needs until the present electrical needs have been transferred to renewables. But I suspect even if governments wanted to do this, they’d be stopped by some legal nicety or international agreement that protects these privatised entities from any effective government or community accountability. .
The use of the Amazon power is not specified - presumably it will be some large server farm - that amount of energy is obscene and the employment prospects meagre ( I cannot find out how many employees a server farm requires, but it won’t be many and it will require only technical operators and a few cleaners) . It will help power Amazon's operations" - Amazon also signed 39 new renewable energy projects across Europe, contributing more than 1GW of clean energy to the region’s grids.
Amazon’s strategic investments in solar and wind energy have established the company as one of the largest corporate buyers of renewable energy across Europe and the UK since 2021.
As Yanis Varoufakis has said, we now live under a system of techno-feudalism, a cloud fiefdom. and we’re the 21st Century serfs.
At the age of 78 - and it may just be my years, I have to note that - my existential angst is rising exponentially as Nvidea shares and Amazon's ambitions. Our sheer human numbers allied to our incontinent demands, allied to total capitulation to a toxic corporate creed and expanding power, allied to a loss of humane understanding of our place on this finite planet, in other words our hubris.. Human ideals subsumed to a cosmic crassness. .
It was many years ago that I read Jarod Diamond's "Collapse", similarly the last report of the Club of Rome, The latter sponsored the book in 2022. “Earth for All - A Survival Guide for Humanity - this is an Amazon resource but it does have a number of review headlines. Apparently it provides two diverting scenarios, one to ruin, the other to survival. All very fine, except as an example about 20 years ago the NZ Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment came up with a divergent two scenario ideology for our power generation and usage. One sustainable, and one with ever increasing costs and environmental damage. One Guess which one NZ has followed? .
We are almost certain to treat the Club of Rome as we in NZ treated the Parliamentary Commission Any bets against this? Thought not.
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