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    Financial Times Person of the Year: George Soros Archived Message

    Posted by margo on December 24, 2018, 9:45 am

    FT just declared GS their 'Man of the Year' FT LINK

    Within the article, Soros admits his group was behind 'exposing' the Russian tender for nuclear power in South Africa, confirming what many already suspect: the Soros-Washington influence has seen to 'their' man, billionaire (DAVOS) star Cyril Ramaphosa, 'placed' as new President of South Africa after the corrupt and Russian-China (BRICS)-friendly Zuma was deposed. (Ramaphosa still faces an election in April/May)

    Russia wasn't the only nation that bid for South Africa's largest tender in its history - a one-trillion-rand contract to build six new nuclear reactors by 2030. France and the USA were very keen and also bid. When Russia won the bid, Soros and the US moved in to kill it - and helped see to the removal (via intelligence leaks, etc) of an SA President getting far too close to Russia and China.
    You can be sure that if the USA or France had won the tender, Soros and Co would have been happy to see completion of *those* business transactions.

    Interestingly Soros, the IMF head Christine Lagarde (who visited Ramaphosa last week) and Theresa May (who visited Ramaphosa a few months ago) all back Ramaphosa's plan for 'land expropriation without compensation', which we know is essentially an election trick and will not actually offer land to the poorest of the poor but end up enriching the middle classes again.

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