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    The propaganda is strong with this one... Archived Message

    Posted by Raskolnikov on February 1, 2019, 8:57 am

    The fraud resurrects Rory Carroll (who used to be their main U.S.A cheerleader for S. America for a good while) to pen a list of "books to read to understand what is happening in Venezuela". You can guess the rest, but the comments are particularly depressing; the regular neo-con trolls, paid or otherwise, are putting in a strong showing.

    Although there are quite a few people there calling the fraud out (both the organ and the narrative) they seem to be drowned out by the regime change crowd. Even when comments are open on anything remotely significant these days it seems they get astro-turfed to death. Then there is the other trick they pull a lot where there is no "Comments are now closed/will be closing" messge but no new comments show up for hours, almost like a mass shadow banning. What a state the last (supposedly) left-wing mainstream newspaper is in.

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