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    Re: Caitlin: I Oppose Interventionism, But-” But Nothing. Don’t Be A Pro Bono CIA Propagandist. Archived Message

    Posted by walter on February 3, 2019, 1:06 am, in reply to "Caitlin: I Oppose Interventionism, But-” But Nothing. Don’t Be A Pro Bono CIA Propagandist."

    I thought this was particularly effective:

    "Secondly, by wrapping your resistance to US warmongering in loud criticisms of the Venezuelan government and “Go people’s rebellion!” cheerleading, you are functioning as a pro bono propagandist for the CIA and the US State Department, and thereby helping to advance the warmongering agendas of those depraved agencies. "
    Caitlin Johnston

    Definitely well said.

    However, this is really a well-expressed comment on paying lip-service to something one is actually ignoring, downplaying or even side-swiping.

    This is something I've noticed frequently in articles posted here which argue against feminism, so-called IP, intersectionality, #MeToo or something that aims to address gender oppression - which start by emphasizing that they support the thing that is being marginalised.

    This begs the question whether the sentiment expressed so succinctly by Caitlin Johnstone applies in general.

    Try this, or something like it:

    "By wrapping your objections to gender and racial oppression in loud criticisms of identity politics and cheerleading attacks on (feminism/ intersectionality/campaigners on gender or race abuse/#Metoo etc), you are functioning as a pro bono propagandist for the predominantly white elites and/or the manosphere, and thereby helping to preserve these forms of oppression."

    Preserving forms of oppression could be racial or gender violence - sufficiently widespread to be taken seriously.

    OK I haven't said it quite like Johnstone....but the idea of providing propaganda support for attacking something that is politically expedient NOT to be seen attacking is a useful one.

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