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    Australia responds... Archived Message

    Posted by David Macilwain on February 8, 2019, 12:03 pm, in reply to "U.S. Asks More Countries To Occupy Northeast Syria by MoA"

    well not officially, but yesterday morning, following a report about Pompeo's request to allies for "help with Syria", the ABC ran a report from its correspondent in Beirut speaking to a representative from the YPG. This guy said that the Kurds would welcome Australian - or other forces - to help keep the border area safe from Turkish attack. So a bloke from the YPG invites the Australian army to send a force to Syria, without any involvement from the Syrian government? THis is even more ridiculous than the basis on which we were in Syria before - that of helping the Iraqi government against IS attacks launched at Iraq from inside Syria. The ADF never got authorisation for this from Baghdad, so forces carried diplomatic passports...

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