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    9-11 related bit of info. Archived Message

    Posted by Raskolnikov on February 9, 2019, 6:02 pm, in reply to "9-11: Dark Overlord - 2nd dump of hacked insurance co. docs"

    I will post this in here as it's 9-11 related. I recently read "The Shadow Factory" by James Bamford (mostly concerned with how the NSA came to monitor everything anyone does as far as communicating with another person, anywhere anytime) and it's a pretty scary read, even if you know most of the story already.

    In the first part of the book (relating to the 9-11 attacks) he talks about Atta and al-Omari and the reason they drove to Portland the night before the attacks:

    On Sunday, Atta flew to Boston as the four teams consolidated at their staging areas. Hanjour’s Pentagon crew was in Laurel, and Jarrah’s White House team was in Newark. But because both Twin Tower attacks were to originate from Boston’s Logan International Airport, Atta was likely worried about the image of ten Arabs, most of whom spoke little English, suddenly showing up at the same time at Logan for two flights. He therefore searched for the closest airport to Boston with a flight early enough to connect to American Flight 11, which was due to depart Logan for Los Angeles at 7:45 a.m. What he came up with was Portland, Maine. Thus, instead of leaving from Boston, on Monday he and Abdulaziz al-Omari would drive to Portland and catch U.S. Airways Flight 5930, operated by Colgan Air, departing for Boston at 6:00 a.m. Tuesday.

    I've never seen this given as a reason for Atta staying in Portland before. It's always discussed as a strange thing to do given the relatively tight timing of connecting flights (the idea being that any delay in their flight to get to Boston would have stopped them hijacking one of the planes).

    Obviously the language makes it clear that it is only supposition (i.e. "Atta was likely concerned") but I've never seen this idea anywhere else and in most things I've read on 9-11 Atta goign to Portland on the 10th is always treated as the starting point for some wild speculation.

    There are still lots of weird things with Atta (his luggage not getting onto the flight, the will and other things left behind almost as if to help the authorities have someone to pin it on, etc.) but this seems like a fairly reasonable explanation for this trip? Admittedly, reducing the number of "suspicious" Arabs from ten to eight isn't particularly drastic but it still left three others from Atta's "team" at Logan in case he got delayed.

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