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    outrageous bbc propaganda Archived Message

    Posted by Sinister Burt on February 13, 2019, 8:03 am, in reply to "BiBiC news report on Venezuela finally referred to US sanctions but only the Obama ones which "

    Are you refering to the 10 o clock news report? I watched that and it was shocking, iraq war level push-propaganda. Orla guerin on full on bias mode. They had a few little snippets of an interview with maduro interspersed with gotcha clips to show how terrible he is. I wonder if we'll get to see the whole interview?


    Oh here's the transcript - haven't got time to go through it now, but straight away i see a paragraph that contradicts the version they edited together on the programme.

    They had a bit where maduro said 'venezuela is not a country with hunger' and then cut to a shot with people eating out of a bin, to elicit the impression of an irrational dictator. They cut out the bit in bold though, which covered the bin-eaters:

    "I am telling you that the BBC in London has created a stereotype - the American media also - of a Venezuela that doesn't exist. We have 4.4% of what we call extreme poverty, misery. Of course this is still something that we have to overcome, but we came from 25% of extreme poverty, and we have reduced all the indexes of inequality. Venezuela today currently has indexes recognised by international organisations in the highest levels of social equality in social investment.

    Do we have problems? Yes. But Venezuela is not a country with hunger."

    (disclaimer: maybe i remembered the clip wrong from shouting at the telly)

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