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    R4 Analysis: Conspiracy Politics Archived Message

    Posted by mack on February 18, 2019, 7:21 pm

    I caught this crock last night. Academics and 'journalists' combine to scoff and blather about 'conspiracy theories'. Aaronovitch appears, ofcourse, like a turd in a punch bowl.

    Interesting that when I searched for the programme, this page appeared (who knew this lot were so obsessed with the subject? What can it mean?):

    My favourite bit comes from some bloke who's churning on about how some people believe 'Bush did 911' and then gives a laundry list of what he supposes to be nonsense, which went something like...'Bush blew up the towers, killing 3000 of his own people [have I heard that phrase somewhere else...?]; Cheney; Halliburton; Blackwater...[wait for it, wait for it...]...WAR FOR OIL [!!]. Yes, he managed to slip that one on to a list of crazy conspiracy theories. It goes back to the old question: Do these people know they're lying or are they really that deluded?

    Anyway, for anyone with a stomach strong enough...

    Message Thread:

    • R4 Analysis: Conspiracy Politics - mack February 18, 2019, 7:21 pm