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    Owen Jones Unpersons Chris Williamson Archived Message

    Posted by Tomski on March 1, 2019, 8:03 pm

    Kit Knightly

    UPDATE & CORRECTION: Owen has claimed he changed the article in question some time before the expulsion of Williamson. We have now checked his claim on the Wayback Machine and it appears to be true.

    hris Williamson should never have been suspended from the Labour Party – he should never have been rebuked or chastised for his words at Sheffield. He told the truth, and those who have deliberately taken his words out of context to vilify him in smug, dishonest editorials, have a political axe to grind that is nothing to do with genuine antisemitism.

    This should be the position of everyone on the left who has a genuine interest in a socialist Labour government. Sadly, it is not.

    Williamson has been thrown under the bus. Ritually sacrificed. That New Labour climbers like Tom Watson, and braying media #####s like Rachel Riley, play an active role in this surprises nobody. Their glee is as evident as it is toxic. But the betrayal from those who are notionally Corbyn supporters is equally foul.

    Owen Jones took to twitter to virtue-signal away, and celebrate LAbour making the “right decision”, whilst decrying those on the left who were angry about it.

    But then he went even further, too. He full-on 1984ed the man. Shoved him head-first down the Memory Hole: This was brought to our attention on twitter:


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