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    Saker hosting homophobic material again! Big blind-spot! Left a dissenting comment. Will it get Archived Message

    Posted by Rhisiart Gwilym on March 2, 2019, 8:48 am

    through 'moderation', I wonder? The offending article was a piece by Russian commentator Ruslan Ostashko, slagging the Hollyshite Oscar's current promoting of homosexual themes, and having a gratuitous hissy fit about a bloke wearing a striking big frock very publicly, with his husband in tow, at the Oscar ceremony. Ooo dear, how civilisation-destroying is that!

    My comment:


    Promoting homophobia is just one of the otherwise-excellent Saker's foolish blind spots (and we all of us - without exception it seems - have those). Doesn't matter how you demonise it and try to pretend that it's 'unnatural' and 'perversion', the undodgeable fact - sic! - remains that such variant forms of sexuality are found widely in many species, not just hom. sap. Calling something 'unnatural' when Nature - for her own inscrutable reasons - gives it a serious, sustained try is a mug's game.

    You may not like it. That's acceptable. I don't much like the thought of queer sexual-pleasuring practices myself. Not something that's ever seemed appealing to me. But seriously: don't demonise it and lie about it. Variations in *genuine* sexual impulse have always been around in every human community. All who want to educate themselves honestly can also observe it - sic! - in action in other species. And please, don't try to tell me that 'god' doesn't approve of it. Despite all the millennia of religious babbling by humans, none of us actually know with any - justified - certainty what God thinks, or prefers. If Nature is a creation of God, then why would She be so interested in trying variations of sexual impulse, if God disapproved?

    For the record, I'm a lifelong heterosexual, with no interest in any of the minority variations in sexual impulse; if truth be told, I actually find them slightly distasteful, certainly not a turn-on. But I'm also a firm believer that love and loving kindness are essential components of a good life, even if your forms of loving are minority variants. And I believe too in justice and intellectual honesty. Homophobic hostility towards sexual minorities - completely unjustified as it is - is disgusting and wrong. I've seen it in action, ruining the lives of **wholly innocent victims**. And this is what's being promoted here. Disgraceful! Leave the queers alone to their own - innocent and harmless - preferences. Stop persecuting them. One person's meat is another's poison. Live and let live. There's no wonder queers are fighting back when they get the chance. They are, after all, recipients of constant bad-mouthing, such as this article on Saker's website, and also frequent barbarous persecution, for no very cogent good reasons at all beyond the personal distaste of the homophobes. That persecution is what all the gratuitous bad-mouthing leads to, of course. Before the law changed in Britain to decriminalise homosexuality, I actually witnessed queer friends of mine suffer precisely this legal terrorising, wholly innocent - and decent - souls though they were. Yes: decent, harmless, honourable people; really! I wouldn't have been drawn to call them friends otherwise.

    Shame on Saker for supporting such genuine perversion of truth and justice. A gaping blind-spot in an alleged follower of the - alleged - God of Love (Russian Orthodox variation).


    Message Thread:

    • Saker hosting homophobic material again! Big blind-spot! Left a dissenting comment. Will it get - Rhisiart Gwilym March 2, 2019, 8:48 am