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    Re: Media Propaganda on Venezuela Debunked Archived Message

    Posted by dovetailjoint on March 5, 2019, 3:48 pm, in reply to "Media Propaganda on Venezuela Debunked"

    It's interesting, though profoundly depressing and frustrating, to compare and contrast this presentation of facts about Venezuela, with the usual stuff found in our media, like the recent comments by Helen Lewis in the New Statesman linking Corbyn's 'totalitarianism' with that of Maduro.

    It's remarkable how journalists become 'experts' on faraway foreign countries so quickly, isn't it? How do they manage it? They go from knowing next to nothing about places, to having decisive opinions and trenchent views, in the twinkling of an eye. It must be elite Oxbridge educations that foster such talent.

    What's striking is how much information and facts there are here compared to what one sees and reads in our media. It's shocking how badly informed our journalists are, and this leads them to badly inform the rest of us, not that this lack of knowledge stops them having strong opinions, on the contrary. The less real knowledge they have the stronger their opinions appear to be!'

    'We don't do propaganda. We only report what we see happening in front of us.'

    But who decides where you are and what you are looking at? Isn't that a very narrow focus? Is mere observation a real substitute for understanding and based on analysis and
    understanding? Is the fascination with spectacle in the streets comparable to examining the nature and structure of Venezuela's economy, history and society?

    What's troubling is how real knowledge about, well, almost anything, these days, appears to be a disqualification for employment in our media.

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