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    US to ICC – We Will Break Your Legs By Andre Vltchek Archived Message

    Posted by MikeD on March 23, 2019, 4:25 pm

    US to ICC – We Will Break Your Legs

    By Andre Vltchek

    March 21, 2019 "Information Clearing House" - Well, not exactly like that, but in a way, yes. Now, finally, ‘the gloves are off’. The US is openly threatening the historically timid ICC (International Criminal Court) and its judges. And unexpectedly, the ICC is hitting back. It refuses to shut up, to kneel, and to beg for mercy...

    If the ICC begins and is allowed to investigate crimes against humanity committed by the West, the entire twisted concept of the US and Europe being pioneers of freedom and democracy could easily and quickly collapse...

    Pompeo’s speech was so extreme that it could be easily defined as counter-productive for the Empire.

    Even the mainstream Western press had to react. Even the Western ‘human rights organizations’ felt obliged to protest.

    On March 15, AP published an unprecedented report:

    Human Rights Watch called it “a thuggish attempt to penalize investigators” at the ICC.

    “The Trump administration is trying an end run around accountability,” it said. “Taking action against those who work for the ICC sends a clear message to torturers and murderers alike: Their crimes may continue unchecked.”...

    ...And so it goes… Mike Pompeo’s arrogant facial expression appeared above countless reports and it said it all: the world has to listen to the US dictates, or else!

    ...Mr. Pompeo made one huge tactical mistake. He touched the ‘big topic’ that was always supposed to be ‘understood’ but unpronounced. Now it is out in the open.

    The next step could bethe acknowledgment that international law does not apply to the West.

    Once this undisputable fact is pronounced, what may follow could be an outrage, and finally, refusal to accept the status quo, at least by several countries, and by billions of people worldwide.

    It appears that the Empire has gone one step too far. As a result, paradoxically, its impunity could be really in jeopardy.

    Message Thread:

    • US to ICC – We Will Break Your Legs By Andre Vltchek - MikeD March 23, 2019, 4:25 pm