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    Re: Del Bigtree and a crowd of awakened parents at the 100th edition of The Highwire - Archived Message

    Posted by Tomski on March 25, 2019, 12:40 pm, in reply to "Del Bigtree and a crowd of awakened parents at the 100th edition of The Highwire -"

    Ta RhG. I am agnostic on the issue but distrustful enough to have had separate shots for my little one, instead of the combined MMR, many moons ago.

    I didn't like the style of the presenter and I didn't understand the references some of the time.

    After 30 minutes switched over to the last section as recommended. Heart-breaking, of course.

    Doctors, they are busy, especially here in the UK where they are being squeezed by the system, in the NHS. I take things what they tell me with a pinch of salt. If I didn't, and in my experience, I would have had a permanently slightly disabled child, and of course, if I didn't have some common sense combined with my better half's intuition : ). Pointless going into details ...

    I liked one quip in the in the vid about the doctor that has read 3 odd pages on the subject and gives a life-changing advice on the run. Doctors are essential in our society, but we have to realise there are limitations. And then there is Big Pharma etc.

    Anyway, thanks for that ... food for thought.


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