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    'Western corporate media will never allow leaders of nations the US is targeting to speak freely" Archived Message

    Posted by margo on March 26, 2019, 11:00 am, in reply to "President Maduro: "The Venezuelan People Do Not Want Violence or Foreign Military Intervention""

    Eva: "Western corporate media will never allow leaders of the nations the US is targeting to speak freely, because that might allow a Western audience to think for themselves, based on the leader's words and not on corporate media's propaganda."

    Primary source material might pop too many delusional bubbles.

    Western media's censorship of voices not only serves a direct information propaganda function; it also serves a psychological function: to hobble or gas-light social/political discourse by denying full access to a broad spectrum of information.

    Gaslight = to render people confused and uncertain (via communication techniques like denial, twisting words etc)... the better to control and disempower them. Abusive brainwashing technique: those abused struggle to disentangle and sometimes fall victim to Stockholm Syndrome

    The world's in an unhinged, irrational and unhealthy place, at the moment, iro of politics, inequality, unhappiness, stress, pollution, ecology, a sustainable future.
    What's needed is wide spectrum, non-emotional communication, out of which better-informed, reality-based suggestions can arise.

    Media should help facilitate this communication but at the moment media is the problem: self-serving, special interest media actively blocks the free flow of inter-communication.

    Spinning off into irrationality and hallucinations is a mark of unhelpful neural dysfunction (ie schizoid or psychotic) - both on a personal and social level. Reality-based communication is the medicine needed, both for the delusional individual and for gas-lit society.

    At the moment, western media recklessly and wilfully peddles delusions and neurotically denies the corrective: reality-grounded discourse.

    Dominant western media content is often overly emotional, embarrassingly hysterical (viz. Guardian's hysterical anti-Putin, anti-Assange, anti-Corbyn outbursts).
    This at a time when a balancing corrective is what's needed: cool-headed information and data (Julian Assange, Joe Emersberger-type journalism!) ... and a much wider spectrum of voices allowed access to global media platforms.

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