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    UC Update #CioCioSan Archived Message

    Posted by Gerard on March 28, 2019, 10:57 am

    I received a PDF to my UC journal yesterday stating that I have been assessed as having; "limited capability for work" but also stating that my benefits have not been increased. The UCD82 file did not contain any information on how to appeal the decision, I was forced to ring UC this morning to ask them and they said that (after putting me on hold to access information which should be at their fingertips), I could apply for a mandatory reconsideration. "My screen is down and I don't have access to that information but I have been told by my manager that you can ask for a mandatory reconsideration" is what was said! I suggested that information on the appeals procedure should be contained in the original correspondence. I fail to see how the DWP PIP assessor could give me 0 points when UC have assessed me as having; "limited capability for work", I am therefore going to inform the DWP of UC's decision during the period when I am awaiting the DWP's decision concerning mandatory reconsideration of my PIP claim. I have been re-referred to my Community Mental Health Team ("CMHT"), and will see then on 26th April, I have been re-referred to a musculoskeletal specialist for my spinal injury and await the results of my gastroscopy, as per previous CMHT advice I have self referred to CRUSE Bereavement Counselling re: the many deaths of close friends and family recent previous years and I have been referred to adult social services for "practical help" as a result of which I received a call from an occupational therapist (that I knew would be a, "rubber-stamp"-ing exercise), who, after listening to my problems, was unable to offer me any advice apart from to approach charities dealing with people who suffer from my kind of disabilities. So whilst I remain living on £317/month I am supposed to access all these services and continue to liaise with UC regarding orientation into work. The DWP informed me that a decision on my mandatory reconsideration for PIP could take eight weeks and I expect that a UCDC mandatory reconsideration could take at least as long, as mandatory reconsiderations rarely give a favourable response I then expect to have to submit full appeals and then wait for both the tribunals and following that decisions on my appeals, these procedures could easily mean that I don't get a decision on either appeal until the autumn. Clearly my doctors and the other services think I need their support but the government is making it as difficult as possible for me to receive any financial help that would mean I could make any real use of the other therapies and treatments I might be offered either by social services or by the NHS. I turned 53 in February and have been fighting these kind of battles all my adult life and am sick-and-tired of the b**lsh*t, it's like being a spare prick at your own funeral. No wonder people top themselves! Don't worry though I wouldn't give the b**tards the satisfaction, I'd rather go down fighting. "Have a nice day!"


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