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    Saker: A few initial thoughts about the first round of the Ukrainian Presidential election Archived Message

    Posted by MikeD on April 4, 2019, 1:43 pm

    A few initial thoughts about the first round of the Ukrainian Presidential election

    Whole of this excellent article at link below-

    ...Finally, I want to conclude here by focusing on the absolutely despicable, revolting and totally hypocritical self-induced blindness of the West about this election. If all this had happened in Russia (or Venezuela, or Iran) the entire united West would be up in arms denouncing the ‘stolen election’ and threatening fire and brimstone if the Russians did not immediately fall on their knees and kiss the Emperor’s ring (I wonder what kind of ring, if any, Trump has) or something to that effect. But since the toxic regime of Ukronazis cum Zionists in Kiev is “our son of a b###h”, the leaders of the Empire are acting like the three monkeys: see nothing, hear nothing and, above all, say nothing.

    Truly, the AngloZionist Empire must be the most hypocritical and dishonest in world history. Think of it:

    Pretty much all the candidates have declared that this election was stolen. As did all the Ukrainian media not controlled by Poroshenko. Not only that, but millions (some estimates are as high as 10 million) of Ukrainians (mostly, but not only, aboard) were prevented from voting. Thousands of complaints were officially lodged. But no, the global West did not notice. As for the US, it declared this election free and fair (now there is a surprise!).

    At the very least, the Empire could have made a (very credible) “Guaido” out of Tymoshenko (who clearly should have been either first or second), but she was ditched, probably as way too smart and too potentially independent minded: the Empire likes its puppet to be stupid, or drunk, or both (think Eltsin or Poroshenko here). Having to chose between two non-entities like Zelenskiii or Poroshenko is much preferable for the Neocons than to have to deal with a smart women like Tymoshenko and, thus, no amount of russophobia on her part will be sufficient to reassure the World Hegemon that she is worth preserving.

    The Saker

    Message Thread:

    • Saker: A few initial thoughts about the first round of the Ukrainian Presidential election - MikeD April 4, 2019, 1:43 pm