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    How EMF from Bluetooth Ear Pieces Can Affect Your Eyes, Ears, Brain and Body Archived Message

    Posted by Gerard on April 5, 2019, 4:02 pm

    "Because the signals between the two devices are typically low frequency, some industry experts will tell you Bluetooth is perfectly safe to use. However, many researchers and doctors believe there is simply no safe level of RF radiation, especially when the source of the radiation is attached to your ear. A recent article on does a really good job of explaining the concerns with Bluetooth radiation:

    “It is true that most Bluetooth devices emit less radiation that the government regulatory agencies “safe” standards of SAR, or Specific Absorption Rate. However, the amount of radiation exposure that these agencies consider safe is FAR off from what science says is actually safe for the human body. One issue is that researchers tend to focus on the fact that Bluetooth technology is non-thermal and non-ionizing radiation, and point to that as a reason for it not being harmful. However, science does show is that non-ionizing radiation is certainly harmful, and the fact that it is non-thermal has no impact on EMF and microwave radiation dangers. When you use a Bluetooth Headset, you are exposing your brain, your eyes, your ears, and many other organs to EMF radiation. Even though research shows that the Specific Absorption Rate (how fast radiation is absorbed by the body) of Bluetooth headsets is about .25 W/Kg, this is still high enough to cause significant damage from prolonged use,”"

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