Re:Greenland Ice Archived Message
Posted by John Monro on April 23, 2019, 12:17 pm, in reply to "Re: people shouting incoming incoming then police arrived too quickly for locking on"
I'm sure your acquaintance is noticing increasing ice melt in Greenland, this is well attested. However I think, in the interests of scientific accuracy, the figure of 15 mm rise in sea level in the last ten years, is a bit high, not that that's in any way reassuring. As your acquaintance pointed out Greenland ice is melting indeed six times as fast as in the decade 1980-90. The result is that out of nearly 14 millimeters of sea level rise in total caused by Greenland since 1972, half of it has occurred in just the last 8 years, researchers found. Basically we're looking at an exponential process, as James Hansen warned many years go, so all bets are off. A sextupling time of forty years, means that in 2060 we'll be seeing sea level rise of 6mm/ year and in 2100 36mm/year, from Greenland alone, a total rise of a metre, and this excludes a rise from thermal expansion, at least 0.5 metre, and melt from the Antarctic and mountain glaciers, at least another 0.5 m. . So the maximum assessed rise from the last IPCC report, 0.9m, is looking very seriously underestimated, as scientists like Hansen have warned.