How do you respond to this voice saying "Don't sign this" : Archived Message
Posted by CJ on April 25, 2019, 4:32 pm, in reply to "nhs england is a quango not nhs service provider. Tried to sue nhs staff to silence them"
"Jeanne Jackson 24th April 2019 at 9:27 am A bit of a boo boo We own it on petition scrapping section 75 “Don’t sign thi petition it’s the worst thing you can do! NHSE’s CEO Simon Stevens ex President of UnitedHealth for Globalisation, USA wants the government to scrap Sec75 of the 2012 Health & Social Care Act because it acts as a legal regulator for procurement and acquisition of NHS contracts by the private sector! Without this legal element the door will blow wide open for United Health USA to bulldoze Branson’s Virgin, et al., aside and mop up everything! This is the planned final death nail for our NHS and the master stroke toward HMOs and the American insurance-based provision of healthcare! Wake up everybody and DON’T SIGN THIS PETITION!!!! . Hope to get a response from you." It seems to me that partial abolition of some of these rules can lead to unintended consequences - what is required is the wholesale reversal of the NHS changes made by both Tories and Blairites. The ever widening extraction of public service into private provision is privatisation in fact if not in name. cheers