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    What a surprise. Archived Message

    Posted by Raskolnikov on April 29, 2019, 11:04 am, in reply to "White House press corp choose to ignore attack on Assange"

    For the first time in twenty-something years they haven't had an "outsider" come in to tee off on them and it's turned into an anodyne platitude fest where they all make concerned faces and noble sounding speeches and pat each other on the back without having any of those awkward silences and truth to power moments when someone calls them out for being dishonest stenographers for the establishment.

    Michelle Wolf's speech gets better with every watch; she nailed the media w.hores perfectly and they didn't see her "you made Trump; your networks profitted from and facilitated his rise" bit coming. This time round they've really made themselves look like the pompous, fraudulent tossers they are; not one mention of Assange while they claim to be defending the freedom of the press. ####ing pathetic.

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