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    An intriguing question ... Archived Message

    Posted by Tomski on April 29, 2019, 10:16 pm, in reply to "no mention of Russia why is that? nm"

    Russia may be ambivalent about both Iran and Venezuela because it is an oil and gas producer like them. Self interest etc. Strategically China is the best bet for Iran because it needs energy supplies.

    The author seems to know quite well the Saudi real capacity to pump oil, and it won't be enough to cater for the the short-fall, especially if Libya and Venezuela are now drastically cutting back the production, and if Iran closes the Straight of Hormuz ... there will be a very stormy world oil market indeed : ). US cutting off it's nose to spite the face?

    What I find a little bit strange in the article is that the author considers Saudi Arabia will ...

    ... want higher prices to continue bankrupting shale oil / fracking.

    It doesn't make sense since shale oil, for example, relies on high oil prices to create a quick turn-around thus cashing in on returns for the US frackers and the Wall Street.

    Now, shale oil is a Ponzi scheme and will last until at most 2023. Presumably, if the price is high, that date will be earlier ... but bankrupting (?) it sounds strange. Perhaps I am missing something or misreading.

    Just before reading this post, I came across this Crosstalk vid which also mentions Iran, and has a slightly different approach. It also has bits on Ukranian situation and the Butina case. Worth a gander.


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