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    The Untold Story behind Fracking Commissioner Resignation Archived Message

    Posted by dan on April 30, 2019, 10:29 am

    CORRUPTION!! The Untold Story behind Fracking Commissioner Resignation

    Both the Guardian & BBC reported this weekend that the "Fracking Commissioner" had resigned stating that the rules were too strong and were stiffling the industry.

    But what both reports did not tell people was that Natascha Engel, was hired directly from the tax-haven thieving billionare Jim ratcliff owned fracking corporation Ineos, where she worked as his political lobbyist.

    As an ex-Labour MP, Engel had been hired by Ratcliffe as his personal political lobbyist to help him bypass local democracy, where councils were seeking to follow their constituents wishes to oppose this poisonous technology, by getting the government to change a plethora of laws to enable them to do this.

    Thus Engel is a classic double example of the corrupt political revolving door, between politics, fossil fuel criminals and the supposed regulatory systems overseeing them, that I wrote about in The Prostitute State - How Britain's Democracy Has Been Bought .

    Engel of course should not have been appointed in the first place as "Fracking Commissioner", whose role was supposedly to provide "independent" advice to local communities which were being targeted by the fracking criminals.

    She was clearly appointed by the Tory government to act as government paid propagandist on behalf of Ratcliffe's fracking corporate agenda.

    Thus it is ironic that she has quit over the earthquake rules, which the industry agreed to, but are now objecting to, saying the rules are not allowing big enough eathquakes!!! FFS!

    She is now doing the rounds of the media studios advocating higher earthquakes to be allowed to be created by Ratcliffe, with almost nobody pointing out her conflicts of interests.

    Engel is also in the middle of a scandal following a Freedom of Information request revealed she was regularly deleting her emails and notes from meetings with fracking corporations at the end of each day!

    It would not surprise me in the least if she already has lined up a better paid political lobbying job back in the ecocidal fracking industry.

    Since, I wrote the above, I just heard her interview on TalkRadio, as I was just about to be interviewed on it for XR.

    She got away with horrific fracking industry lies.

    For example, she claimed vast majority of local people back fracking. Her own government surveys state the opposite - 15% support it and 31% oppose.
    And she said fracking should be regulated like any other industry such as house building!!

    The interviewer on Murdoch's TalkRadio failed to point out that house building does not cause earthquakes, does not pump plethora of carconogenic into the ground past groundwater or release vast clouds of climate destructive methane!!

    It is beyond time for us to clean out Britain's corrupted political stables, if we are to deliver the urgent demands of Extinction Rebellion to save us and nature from extinction.

    Donnachadh xx

    PS Please email, if you would like to read more about this corrupt revolving door in UK politics, for a free ebook version copy of my book The Prostitute State - How Britain's Democracy Has Been Bought . It has a whole chapter on this revolving door, with lots of specific corrupt examples in the Labour, Lib Dem and Tory Parties.

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