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    Interesting how swift justice is in this case... Archived Message

    Posted by Raskolnikov on May 3, 2019, 7:30 am

    when a Somali American cop kills a white, Australian woman the jury deliberates for ten or so hours and brings back a guilty verdict (admittedly it's 3rd degree murder but still murder).

    It's hard not to see the contrast with black Americans being killed in very similar circumstances and the cops almost never being held responsible, in most case not even facing internal discipline or losing their job.

    The unbiased view would be that each case is considered on its merits, but then the "trials" of a lot of the trigger happy cops in the past don't really support that idea.

    I'm trying to find stats on this subject but haven't come up with anything on "verdicts against police based on race of office" or similar angles. There are plenty of stats on the victims:

    Statistics are tricky of course, as Mark Twain said they are " a lampost to a drunk, more a means of support than a means of illumination".

    3rd Degree Murder can get you some serious prison time but the sentencing has yet to take place in this case and it will be interesting to see if they are draconian or pull the usual trick of if they "have to" find the cop guilty, giving them a minimal sentence.

    Message Thread:

    • Interesting how swift justice is in this case... - Raskolnikov May 3, 2019, 7:30 am