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    Re: We Own It interview Danny Dorling on his de-privatisation book. 32min vid - Archived Message

    Posted by John Monro on May 7, 2019, 10:15 am, in reply to "We Own It interview Danny Dorling on his de-privatisation book. 32min vid -"

    He's so completely on the message, isn't he. TV should be required to have him a debate with the Minister of Health, the opposition health spokesperson and some economist - ministers need challenging by expertise. The student loan scheme is the nastiest meanest and most socially divisive nonsense. We have the same here in NZ. The outstanding paid loan increases by $500 million per annum, and most of it will never be paid off The neoliberal economy hasn't just blighted the lives of the less well off, it's blighted my life as a moral person, for whom fairness and equity is a sine qua non of justice and democracy. That's forty years of my life spent under a political and economic scheme that I detest and causes me real mental anguish. OK, I should have done something about it. But what, no major party in NZ opposes student loans (until this one). It was Labour in NZ that actually introduced Thatcherism and Reganism to NZ. Here they called it Rogernomics, after Roger Douglas, an opportunistic economic extremist. Labour have never apologised and Jacinda Ardern, for all her good qualities, never has either. That's how political absurdity becomes the norm, even those opposing it just buckle under and keep their nose to the grindstone during the day and grind their teeth at night.. The only thing that will change it is collapse and then we're more than likely to turn to fascism instead. There's a lot of Tories who would love to see this, and most of the Republican party in the US is nearly there already.

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