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    I'm running pretty restrictive ad + . blocking, but can still view the piece. Here ya go: Archived Message

    Posted by sashimi on May 24, 2019, 9:14 am, in reply to "Can't get past their 'We value you privacy'/'we've noticed you're using ad-blocker' bollocks. Can"

    The evidence we were never meant to see about the Douma 'gas' attack
    The OPCW has opened the door to ridicule, when the simple truth would have been enough

    We like to take the Big Boys on trust. No longer do we believe in our
    meretricious little leaders with their easy lies and twitters: the
    Trumps and Mays and now all the nationalists of Europe. We certainly
    don't put any credit in Arab dictators.

    But when, despite all its bureaucracy and corruption, the UN tells us
    that the world faces climate change, we largely believe what it
    says. If the International Red Cross warns us of a humanitarian
    catastrophe in Africa, we tend to take their word for it. And when the
    Organisation for the Prevention of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) - which
    represents 193 member states throughout the world - reports on
    chlorine attacks in Syria, we assume we are hearing the truth, the
    whole truth and nothing but the truth.

    Until now. For in the last few days, there has emerged disturbing
    evidence that in its final report on the alleged use of chemical
    weapons by the Syrian regime in the city of Douma last year, the OPCW
    deliberately concealed from both the public and the press the
    existence of a dissenting 15-page assessment of two cylinders which
    had supposedly contained molecular chlorine - perhaps the most damning
    evidence against the Assad regime in the entire report.

    The OPCW officially maintains that these canisters were probably
    dropped by an aircraft - probably a helicopter, presumably Syrian -
    over Douma on 7 April 2018. But the dissenting assessment, which the
    OPCW made no reference to in its published conclusions, finds there is
    a "higher probability that both cylinders were manually placed at
    those two locations rather than being delivered from aircraft".

    It is difficult to underestimate the seriousness of this manipulative
    act by the OPCW. In a response to the conservative author Peter
    Hitchens, who also writes for the Mail on Sunday - he is of course the
    brother of the late Christopher Hitchens - the OPCW admits that its
    so-called technical secretariat "is conducting an internal
    investigation about the unauthorised [sic] release of the document".

    Then it adds: "At this time, there is no further public information on
    this matter and the OPCW is unable to accommodate [sic] requests for
    interviews". It's a tactic that until now seems to have worked: not a
    single news media which reported the OPCW's official conclusions has
    followed up the story of the report which the OPCW suppressed.

    And you bet the OPCW is not going to "accommodate" interviews. For
    here is an institution investigating a war crime in a conflict which
    has cost hundreds of thousands of lives - yet its only response to an
    enquiry about the engineers' "secret" assessment is to concentrate on
    its own witch-hunt for the source of the document it wished to keep
    secret from the world.

    If this is not lamentable enough, the OPCW - whose final report came
    to more than a hundred pages and which even issued an easy-to-read
    precis version for journalists - now slams shut its steel doors in the
    hope of preventing even more information reaching the press.

    Far more dangerous is that its act of censorship has provided an ocean
    of propaganda for the west's opponents, for the Syrian regime and for
    the Russians. Russia Today has been regaling its viewers with tales of
    how Nato powers politically control the OPCW. American websites -
    pro-peace but also, alas, pro-conspiracy - are having a field day with
    the engineers' conflicting report.

    And as for the gullible, viewing, reading public - us - this
    outrageous deceit by this supposedly authoritative body of
    international scientists can lead to only one conclusion: that we must
    resort once more to the Assanges and the Chelsea Mannings - "traitors"
    who harm western security in the in the eyes of their enemies - and
    the revelations of groups like Wikileaks, if we want to know the truth
    of what happens in our world and the real story behind the official

    Institutional - and journalistic - memory is such that we should
    perhaps take a trip down memory lane to remind ourselves of the
    importance of the 2018 Douma attack. As Syrian government troops
    closed in on Islamist-held Douma in the early spring of last year -
    besieging several square miles of apartment blocks, slums and narrow
    streets on the eastern edge of Damascus - videos transmitted from the
    scene showed harrowing footage of civilians foaming at the mouth and
    apparently choking to death after inhaling gas.

    The Damascus government denied the claim. So did the Russians. But on
    the basis that sufficient evidence of a gas attack had been provided,
    the US, Britain and France launched bombing raids into Syria. At a
    press conference in London, Theresa May conducted a blistering
    condemnation of the Assad dictatorship for using gas against women and

    There had been many reports of chemical attacks by the regime in Syria
    before the Douma episode, but the world's response to the video
    evidence from the ward of a makeshift hospital there turned the event
    into a major international crisis. Among the American cruise missile
    targets was a scientific centre in Damascus which the OPCW had itself
    cleared of any involvement in chemical warfare in the autumn of
    2018. But within two weeks - after delays imposed by the Syrians for
    "security" reasons - international scientists from the OPCW, who had
    already interviewed doctors from the Douma hospital, arrived in the
    streets where the chemical attack allegedly took place.

    In their final official report in March this year, the OPCW say that
    although no "organophosphorous nerve agents" - sarin gas, to you and
    me - were found in Douma and that those recorded as dying in the
    attack had already been buried, their team, which it says included
    "mechanical engineering" experts, concluded that the canisters found
    in two specific locations had passed through concrete and a ceiling to
    impact on the floor of buildings.

    It is possible, the OPCW said, "that the cylinders were the sources of
    the substances containing reactive chlorine". Testimony, environmental
    and biomedical samples and toxicological and ballistic analyses,
    "provide reasonable grounds that the use of toxic chemical as a weapon
    took place." In other words, the canisters had fallen from the sky.

    The then-unrevealed document titled "Unclassified - OPCW Sensitive, Do
    Not Circulate - Engineering Assessment of the Two Cylinders Observed
    at the Douma Incident - Executive Summary" and dated 27 February this
    year, is authored by an engineer whose name is all over the internet
    but which we shall not repeat here. It draws diametrically opposite
    conclusions to the published report, stating that the "engineering
    sub-team cannot be certain that the cylinders at either location
    arrived there as a result of being dropped from an aircraft".

    And why not? "The dimensions, characteristics and appearance of the
    cylinders and the surrounding scene of the incidents were inconsistent
    with what would have been expected in the case of either cylinder
    having been delivered from an aircraft ... In summary, observations at
    the scene of the two locations together with subsequent analysis
    suggest that there is a higher probability that both cylinders were
    manually placed at those two locations rather than being delivered by

    Put bluntly, the paper is suggesting that the location of the
    cylinders was a set-up, that someone inside Douma immediately after
    the bombings of 7 April 2018 - and no one, not even the Syrians or
    Russians, deny there was conventional bombing and shelling that night
    - placed the cylinders in the locations in which they were
    subsequently examined by the OPCW. Since the first images of the
    cylinders in these locations were shown on footage before the Syrians
    and Russians entered Douma, the obvious corollary is that forces
    opposed to the Assad regime may have put them there.

    In all cases of this kind, it is necessary to understand that the
    search for evidence of gas attacks is notoriously difficult. It is
    necessarily an inexact science. Unlike shell fragments, shrapnel,
    mortar base plates, rocket computer codings or arms manuals, gas
    carries no convenient label which might betray the owners or
    manufacturers. Chemicals contain no computer parts. And thus both the
    OPCW's official report and the suppressed engineers' assessment are
    very scientific documents - perhaps arcane to the uninitiated - but
    they are worth reading in their entirety, perhaps with a science
    dictionary to hand. Readers can find both the full report and, after a
    little detective work, the leaked engineers' report on the internet.

    The OPCW might have saved itself much embarrassment - and ridicule by
    the Russians - if it had simply told the whole truth: that while a
    majority of its scientists came to the conclusion that the "gas"
    cylinders came through the roof (ie, from an aircraft), a minority
    report believed that they did not.

    This would have been no more than the practice of a public enquiry
    which includes a dissenting minority point of view. But that was
    obviously not what the OPCW wanted. Hence its own slightly odd final
    conclusion that there were "reasonable grounds" to believe that toxic
    chemicals had been used in Douma: "reasonable grounds" might be an
    acceptable response to evidence at the scene of a domestic crime - but
    hardly sufficient to retrospectively justify a Nato air raid on Syria.

    I was myself much vexed by the scenes I encountered in Douma when I
    arrived a few days after the attack. I did not dismiss the possibility
    that gas had been used, but eyewitnesses and the head of the field
    hospital where the victims had been treated insisted they knew nothing
    of gas.

    Bombed-out civilian apartments once lived in by Islamist rebels in Douma (Yara Ismail)

    The doctor, who was at his home near the hospital at the time,
    insisted that the patients were suffering from hypoxia - from dust and
    dirt inhalation from the air bombings, and that someone whom he
    identified as a "White Helmet" NGO worker shouted "Gas!" and started a
    panic among the victims. The official OPCW report records precisely
    the same events, along with the doctor's memory of the man who shouted
    "Gas!". But interestingly the OPCW did not identify the man as a
    "White Helmet".

    But my own report in The Independent - and the condemnation visited
    upon it later by critics - is utterly trivial in comparison to the
    implications of the OPCW's decision to suppress the report of its own
    engineers. Perhaps they will discover the source of the leak. Perhaps
    they will claim that part of it is fabricated, though this is highly
    unlikely since they have already referred to "the unauthorised release
    of the document".

    But two words of warning. Just because the OPCW took the extraordinary
    decision to cover up some of its evidence in Douma does not mean that
    gas has not been used in Syria by the government or even by the
    Russians or by Isis and its fellow Islamists. Undoubtedly it has. All
    stand guilty of war crimes in the Syrian conflict. The OPCW's
    dishonesty - for that is what it amounts to - does not let war
    criminals off the hook.

    There's another red light. We all remember how, after falsely claiming
    that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction, we invaded Iraq
    on these false pretences and - within a few years - claimed that Iran
    was making weapons of mass destruction, and then threatened Iran with
    war, something we continue to the present day. What if we are now told
    that yet once more Syria is using gas against its enemies?

    Strangely, amid the revelations of the OPCW's hidden report, the US
    State Department - just two days ago - announced that "we continue to
    see signs that the Assad regime may be renewing its use of chemical
    weapons, including an alleged chlorine attack in northwest Syria on
    the morning of 19 May 2019..."

    So here we go again.

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