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    The benefits of Brexit, US wants UK agriculture and NHS Archived Message

    Posted by dovetailjoint on June 5, 2019, 7:53 am

    I think one can see the outline of the kind of UK, the alternative to being a full member of the European Union, beginning to emerge.

    That's the UK as a loyal vassal state completely absorbed by the US Empire. The US will simply roll over the UK and the country will be forced to adopt US standards and open up the entire public sector, especially the NHS, to private American capital. Agriculture will have to comply as well.

    Was this the bright new future the Brexiteers dreamt of? Is this what the left wants?

    The reason the UK joined the EU was to stop the country being absorbed, at a heavy price, by the United States.

    The UK could have chosen to remain in the EU as a strong and influential nation, but no, it chose fantasy instead. Good luck with that! Is being a US vassal really better and closer to 'socialism' than being part of the EU? Of course not!

    And Brexit, the contours of which are emerging, is gonna hit ordinary people and the sacred 'working class' hard, just look at how they live in the US for a glimpse of what's coming down the road. What a high price to pay for... nothing in return.

    The 'left' have a lot to answer for, among others, for going along with this grotesque farce.

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