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    Good idea, poor execution Archived Message

    Posted by walter on June 9, 2019, 7:10 pm, in reply to "Revisiting the Central Park Five case in the #MeToo era"

    The writer seems to be trying to harness public anger over this stitch-up to further the anti-MeToo agenda of the WSWS. But as the MeToo movement has arisen because the justice system is so poor at providing justice for victims of assault, the attempt doesn't make sense. Also, the stitch up was an institutional crime.

    Looking back at the (second) trial in Dec 1990, there are lessons to be learned. The defence lawyer was permitted to attack the credibility and sex life of the female rape victim, who had been left in a coma for two weeks and could offer little in the way of evidence as to the perpetrators: (sorry Rhis!), a routine tactic still widely in use.

    The MeToo backlash is not 'lynch law' as no-one is lynched; it's women speaking out and the market reacting.

    Interesting the WSWS attack Trump's right wing reactionary politics from a class war viewpoint, but don't mention his misogyny, the accusations made against him nor the reactionary anti-women policies on reproduction.

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