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    Re: "The West spinning Russian journalist Gulonov's release as "their" victory ... Archived Message

    Posted by margo on June 12, 2019, 10:17 pm, in reply to ""The West spinning Russian journalist Gulonov's release as "their" victory ..."

    Selection of today's tweets...

    From @KeesvdPijil

    "Russian journalist Golunov released after show of solidarity by fellow journalists in the country. painful contrast with the howling pack leaving Assange to rot in belmarsh. Is press freedom in Russia overtaking the West?"

    From @NellyTells

    "Great news journalists! There is a test to find out if you are a sociopath. Spend just 15 minutes talking to Assange's dad and if you can continue to smear his son and walk away not questioning you every negative belief about Assange, then congratulations, you have no soul."


    "Help Wikileaks sue the Guardian, firstly for its fake "Manafort visited Assange" story (which Ecuador used to justify giving all JA's legal/medical docs to the US) and for its years of libels, smears and coordinated 'mobbing' of a persecuted journalists. {Courage Foundation}


    "It's horribly ironic that Assange's case has now become a seminal battle for Western media press freedom but most Western journalists are still not actively supporting him. What does that tell us about them?"


    "[Chinese dissident] AiWeiWei says that three years ago Assange "was in high spirits, he was joking, he was still very humorous but today it's very much like a person holding the last straw, worried about his life. I'm very concerned about him, especially psychological condition... I'm deeply worried"

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