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    Mazin Qumsiyeh: Dead Horse - Bahrain Conference (Oslo Redux) Archived Message

    Posted by sashimi on June 23, 2019, 11:51 am

    I commented: If our objection to the Bahrain conference is that it is
    trying to subvert Palestinian legitimate rights of return to their
    homes and lands and self-determination via "bribes" of economic
    improvement, then this is precisely what the Oslo agreements were
    about. If we disagree with that approach, then we should start by
    removing all the agreements of Oslo and its appendages like the Paris
    economic agreement that gave Israel responsibility to continue its
    economic profiting from the occupation. Someone asked what is your
    solution? I said go back to be a real Palestine Liberation
    Organization: Palestine is all of Palestine not 22% of it, Liberation
    is self-explanatory and it is for all 13.5 million of us Palestinians,
    and organization means more than one person we "pledge loyalties" to.


    The Bahrain conference concocted by racist Zionists
    Kushner/Greenblatt/Freedman uses exactly the same language as encoded
    in Oslo.


    To be blunt: those who signed on to Oslo I and II and still follow
    them are no more or less than those who sign on to Bahrain I (yes,
    there will be Bahrain II). In public speeches they claimed it is
    somehow a different thing and now putting the cart (economy under
    occupation) in front of the horse (political solution of two
    states). Sorry, the cart had run over the horse and killed it back in
    1993 (some say the beginnings was in 1974 and 1988). So it is time to
    get a new horse proverbial horse (A PLO reclaiming its charter of a
    secular democratic state), remove the trash that was accumulated in
    the cart and get a new beginning. It is thus not enough for us to
    protest things. It is time to take our own initiatives. It is time for
    a new PLO that reflects the will of the people and can then harness
    their amazing power. If anyone wants to know about the amazing power
    of the Palestinian people to get new horses, please read my book
    "Popular Resistance in Palestine: A history of Hope and Empowerment."
    In it I explain for example how the uprising of 1936 forced
    dissolutions of many factions, reshaped others, and created new
    ones. We must learn from our history the right lessons. The best
    lesson to learn is that it is never too late to admit mistakes and go
    back to the people. I do have real faith in the people. The
    self-declared leaders know in the deep recess of their calcified
    hearts these facts and know that risking positions and money is
    nothing compared to the certainty that if they stay the course, the
    end will be clear. We all die. The question is how do you want to be
    remembered? You have two models 1) Collaboration/selfishness:
    e.g. Marshal Philippe Pétain (head of the French Vichy regime
    1940-1942) and Nguyễn Văn Thiệu (corrupt US puppet president of South
    Vietnam 1967-1975), or 2) enlightened leadership like Omar Al-Mukhtar
    and Che Guevera? The choice is yours/ours.

    Message Thread:

    • Mazin Qumsiyeh: Dead Horse - Bahrain Conference (Oslo Redux) - sashimi June 23, 2019, 11:51 am