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    War is continuous... Archived Message

    Posted by Si on June 26, 2019, 10:17 am, in reply to "The War..."'s the one thing I try to impress upon people - - it's the main tool used by the PTB to keep us divided and quelled.

    Here's something I posted a few weeks back here on TLN:

    Imo, talk of ww3 or any named war conceals the fact that we live in a world of permanent war - and I don't mean the 'era of permanent war' as announced by the neo-cons back in 2003. We humans have been subjected to war fomented by the same elite families/interests for hundreds of years - at least - there's barely a place on earth that hasn't been affected at some point or another by the ghastly war construct. War is something of a universal palimpsest over which the other societal institutions are layered. The layers that purport to offer us choices and the means to shape our world are nothing of the sort - they are really constructs to conceal the fact that, as David Swanson correctly argued in his brilliant book, all 'War is a Lie'. The constructs offer us choices and binaries which keep us apart; that set us at loggerheads with one and other and create the impression that we humans are simply incapable of accord. The PTB have pulled a blinder in recent years. Solemn rhapsodising and mythologising about the nobility of the 'great wars' has been employed to socialise ever younger children into accepting the notion that war is honourable and essential if we are to retain the 'civilised' societies that our brave forbears fought to protect. The truth is, our forbears unwittingly sacrificed their lives in order that psychopathic elites get to continue their sick, centuries-long agenda of profiteering from the immisseration of the world's populace. Exposing this vile agenda is The Challenge that confronts every living being - until we do that people will continue being duped into ripping each other to shreds in the belief that they are fighting for the just cause. Anyroad, that's how I see it - other conclusions are available.

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