Re: It wasn't us. A bigger paper did it and ran away Archived Message
Posted by dovetailjoint on June 30, 2019, 6:51 pm, in reply to "It wasn't us. A bigger paper did it and ran away"
In the United States it's existed for years, but speaking out and stating one's 'loyalty' and 'friendship' for Israel, publically; is relatively new in the UK, especially within the 'left.' It's a form of political, symbolic, act of faith, which signals where one stands politically. Loyalty to Israel also means loyal to the United States and the British state too, because they are all woven together in the same material. A political straight-jacket. After so many years campaigning, Corbyn must realise all this. I think it's a sign of how weak, isolated and fragile his position is, that he doesn't even attempt to explain this to people; basically, because he can not do it and still remain leader of the Labour Party. It's all rather depressing.