I get the same reaction from people when I denounce the likes of Owen Jones, Laurie Penny, Peter Tat Archived Message
Posted by Laurie on July 1, 2019, 10:04 am, in reply to "I've read lots of Gilad's stuff. Never seen a hint of - real - anti-semitism. Left-factioneers at it"
Peter Tatchell and other cheerleaders of imperialism. Same with the anti-semite Atzmon. It's not “Left-factioneers” that are calling out these frauds. As I wrote “the Israeli state spend a huge amount of resources trying to persuade the world that Judaism = zionism, an increasing number of people are seeing through this nonsense; but here comes along a musician doing the same thing using some 'sophisticated' mumbo jumbo, and some of same people are taken in by it all.” People need to get off their bottoms and do some studying. The controlled oppostion needs to be called out.