Re: I've read lots of Gilad's stuff. Never seen a hint of - real - anti-semitism. Left-factioneers at it Archived Message
Posted by Ken Waldron on July 1, 2019, 2:58 pm, in reply to "Re: I've read lots of Gilad's stuff. Never seen a hint of - real - anti-semitism. Left-factioneers at it"
"...joining an organisation or running a blog whose name begins with 'Jews' indicates a desire to distinguish yourself from the goyim..." If you identify as Jewish its axiomatic you're not Goyim: there's no "desire" involved. Perhaps your question might be: "Why want or set up a separate organisation for Jews opposing the Zionist project?" -To which the answer seems obvious: to stand up and be counted as against and convince others who also identify as Jews to do likewise. As you say with Tony "his acceptance of his particular cultural inheritance... "means he puts a lot of work into convincing other Jews to oppose the Zionist project: to declare"Not in our name". "...but it does mean that the Zionist (and Nazi) definition of Jewishness as genetically determined." Well there is actually a genetic component in Judaism as a religion because it's matrilineal which gives it a stronger tribal ethos, but to be frank there's little difference genetically in real terms between a middle eastern Jew and a middle eastern Muslim. Your religious & cultural identity as a whole if probably more to do with your parents identity. The Glasgow joke I gave is relevant because identity usually comes as a mixed bag: "Catholic" = Celtic football club...Irish "national" identification or sympathy: even if several generations removed from Ireland and non-religious. "The struggle for Palestinian rights is an anti-colonial one..." -You haven't understood Atzon: he actually opposes this view of Israel as a colonial state. Alternatively he believes that Zionism is part and parcel of defining one's self as a Jew, which is understandable because he's an Israeli and that's what his education in Israel taught him. He doesn't understand/ accept that many Diaspora Jews don't hold that to be the case.