Re: I've read lots of Gilad's stuff. Never seen a hint of - real - anti-semitism. Left-factioneers at it Archived Message
Posted by AlanG on July 1, 2019, 4:22 pm, in reply to "Re: I've read lots of Gilad's stuff. Never seen a hint of - real - anti-semitism. Left-factioneers at it"
he believes that Zionism is part and parcel of defining one's self as a Jew OK, and lots of Jews consider that anti-Zionism is part & parcel of defining one's self as a Jew. Marvellous. The problem is with attaching the significance to Jewishness rather than humanity. As for matrilineal, I'd be surprised to find a name other than a bloke's among any of those long lists in the Old Testament aka the Torah of Judaism. You'll have me thinking I've got Christian blood next. I still think its confusing the issue for people who do not follow the religion to identify as Jewish and expect to be taken extra-seriously on politics. The people of the land in question are of the same ilk whatever religion they follow - the interlopers are Europeans and generally despise all the natives (but 'mizrahim' not quite as much because they're Jews). The diaspora is a myth, predicated on the propaganda of medieval Christianity.