Re: I've read lots of Gilad's stuff. Never seen a hint of - real - anti-semitism. Left-factioneers at it Archived Message
Posted by Ken Waldron on July 1, 2019, 4:54 pm, in reply to "Re: I've read lots of Gilad's stuff. Never seen a hint of - real - anti-semitism. Left-factioneers at it"
"OK, and lots of Jews consider that anti-Zionism is part & parcel of defining one's self as a Jew. " Uh? Not that I know of. "I still think its confusing the issue for people who do not follow the religion to identify as Jewish and expect to be taken extra-seriously on politics." As I said, I don't think they do expect to be taken any more seriously than others who aren't Jewish, but they might indeed retain connections that allow them to bring the case against Israel into the Jewish social sphere. "As for matrilineal, I'd be surprised to find a name other than a bloke's among any of those long lists in the Old Testament aka the Torah of Judaism..." Its a fact. You appear to be mistaking matrilineal (inherited through the mother) for matriarchal (a social organisation in which a woman is the head.) (In the Old Testament btw you have Ruth and Esther and the Roman Catholic & Orthodox Bible also has Judith.) "The diaspora is a myth." A forced Jewish diaspora might well be but the word as I used it merely means Jews living outside Israel. Diaspora just means "spread widely": You have an Irish diaspora, an Armenian diaspora, a Romany diaspora...etc